
Stalker shadow of chernobyl mouse not working
Stalker shadow of chernobyl mouse not working

stalker shadow of chernobyl mouse not working

STALKER's corpses are indestructable I tested this myself. Once again, commonsense falls short on another great game. They are all good role models that teach character and morality. They keep their community safe risking their lives against nasty bandits, corrupt soldiers and enemy factions. The characters you interact with in the game fight for good causes in a world with not so good people. It is different from other games where it is easy to just go and be a bad person without thinking twice. This game is a role playing game, and the decisions people make are more important. Summary: Messages about character and being a good person I really don't understand how it got an M rating. Realistically, this game is near-fortnite level violence. The only gore ever shown in this game is minor blood stains. If someone is shot in the head, their head won't go flying off or burst into pieces, they will just fall onto the ground. It will make a motion towards them with no actual blood or gore. If you stab someone, the knife won't be shown stabbing into their chest realistically. The game is very dated and really doesn't have any actual graphic violence. The violence in this game isnt really bad. Summary: People fall down when they die and some minor blood stains, nothing more. There are teen games that have waaaaay more profanity than this game. Suggested Rating: T for violence and alcohol.įirst of all, common sense gave 4/5 for profanity even though they said themselves that the only bad language is sh*t and bullsh*t.

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    Stalker shadow of chernobyl mouse not working